

"Kindaichi juvenile" 20 anniversary OAD "black magic murders" article enters the recording end report
popular cartoon "Kindaichi juvenile event book", "weekly Shonen magazine" (Kodansha) on the series began 20 years to 2012 ushered in the first.The 20 anniversary of the project in 2012 than in march.
which greeted the topic, published in last year released the 20 anniversary series.This third volume, volume fourth separate animation that only with DVD limited edition.

other photos

Animation of the, is "black magic murders".Commissioned to clarify childhood sweetheart death unbelievable accident fire worship group president, Karuizawa villa to O and Miyuki black magic rituals to be killed.Being involved in the murder case.Act as a go-between the puppet master hell mystery, a challenge.
the story before post article and points, respectively 20 anniversary series volume third and volume fourth limited edition DVD.The story is so cost-effective are loaded with different volumes, the commodity.
limited edition price include tax of 3280 yen, third volumes in 2012 December sale.Volume fourth was launched in March 15th.

this series animation proceeding smoothly.Has also held in post - recording.This recording is finished, Jintian one one role of Mr. Matsuno Taki and seven are Miyuki role Mr Akiko Nakagawa's comments, made clear.The TV series to two people in animation included, indeed, become 5 years ago.
separated for a long time, and Miyuki, what kind of feeling?.Pay attention to the lovers place.

■ OAD "Kindaichi juvenile event book" (this) tape is that you?

Mr. Matsuno Taki (Tian one one characters)
"full force now has injected a.A very refreshing feeling!
look forward to offer fans of you, leave a message."Mr. Akiko Nakagawa (
seven Miyuki role)
"density is very strong!Even as a reasoning tight side also had an unsettled state of mind.
ah, this!So, kindaichi!This feeling."

■ of fans.

Mr. Matsuno Taki
"the article before it goes without saying that, the thrills.Ah, let you view!"
Mr. Akiko Nakagawa
"long animation Kindaichi, back to 15 years ago the same role assignment can be difficult to make me feel.
"Miss ~" and not only Miyuki now gasping feelings!"

the other early in January 16th on the official website after series of videos are also disclosed.Volume fourth limited edition, third volumes to accept orders for production, so we need to pay attention to.As of the date of appointment is in February 1st.How
"hell Puppet Master" the mystery be solved?To confirm.
(really) you will hunt

Kindaichi juvenile event book 20 anniversary of the official website

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