
Nishimura Masahiko happy birthday Satoshi Tsumabuki &times

Satoshi Tsumabuki, dressed in new adult Tokyo family Prayer Box
actor bridge claw (71), Satoshi Tsumabuki (32), 13, Tokyo · tiger gold knife Biro palace costume new adult and 30 film "Tokyo family" (director Yamada Yoji disclosed, 19) the popular.

the late director Yasujiro Otsu's masterpiece "Tokyo Story" (1953) as the theme of the works, the movie, named "mother's flavor", asked "Tsumatsuma Ogishi be handed down from age to age of New Year cake with.".Dried squid and other 7 kinds of ingredients of the original, "I like it very much.His wife's successor "desire.

it is "Tokyo family" and "Tokyo Story", February 7 ~ 17 days at the sixty-third Berlin International Film Festival's special screening decision also published works.Manufacture of · rationing, known, related to new old the same film festival release, is an extremely rare.Related articles [] Satoshi Tsumabuki performed together, · Nishimura Masahiko happy birthday Satoshi Tsumabuki × × Ella Gakki picture of Nanako Matsushima, Satoshi Tsumabuki and first performances "faced opposition" is the wood Sakamoto white stone, Pine Village adult type "is Mr. Hasegawa Hiroshiki, the altar of honey" greetings from suddenly stage
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